Please keep in mind that Music and other 1 or 2 minute programs like Creation Moments, Every Word Devotions and testimonials fill the remainder of each hour listed below. Also, each hour that is not listed below is filled with mostly music, but also public service announcements, and the small 1 to 2 minute programs just listed above. May God bless as you listen.
7:05 am
Amazing Facts Presents with Pastor Doug Batchelor
3:05 pm
Sink the Beagle Creation vs Evolution --15 Min.
4:05 pm
LifeQuest Liberty - 15 min. Religious Liberty focus
5:05 pm
It Is Written with Pastor Bradshaw (Repeat) -- 30 Min.
7:05 pm Alternating Programs
Bible in living sound Drama -- about 30 Min.
Your Story Hour with Aunt Sue and Uncle Dan -- 30 Min.
8:00 pm
Bible Answers Live with Pastor Doug Batchelor (repeat from 8am) -- 60 Min.
9:30 pm
Unshackled! a true life drama from the Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago, IL -- 30 Min
Friday nights at 8:00 pm
Hope Sabbath School --60 min.
A pre-recorded group bible study hour.
Saturday morning -- 10 am
Hope Sabbath School --60 min
Repeat from Friday night
Saturday Morning -- 11:05 am
Weekly Sermon hour - Currently playing Amazing Facts Presents with Pastor Doug Batchelor
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